is a software product that ensures total conformity to the best practices in your organization.
Whether it is managing contract requirements, monitoring suppliers, or verifying non-conformance report
resolutions, NeXwave keeps it all on track.
Some workflow steps have more impact on your bottom line than others. NeXwave will help you identify those critical processes and ensure they are implemented consistently throughout your organization. Using a series of configurable modules, NeXwave helps you with complex contract requirements, supplier management, parts, supply chain supervision and scope creep.
NeXwave provides a disciplined process conformity system and works in conjunction with our NeXflow and NeXview services.
Many organizations work with different tiers of suppliers. NeXwave helps you categorize and identify critical suppliers with multiple criteria. From basic suppliers, to preferred suppliers, through to strategic partners, the NeXwave supplier module will monitor quality, responsiveness, costs, environmental stewardship, technology and more.